Dear Self,
I realized this year how much I love spring. Specifically, the first really warm day.
I remarked to my wife, "It feels like Easter out here!"
All the snow was melting to reveal all the browns, yellows and greens of the grass. The air was refreshing and smelled damp. The sun was warm and inviting. I could hear birds. I got the feeling everything around me was coming to life. I was full of a combination of contentment, happiness, and excitement and I was eager to spend the whole afternoon outside.
It was such a marked difference from the thin, face-hurting air from weeks prior when everything was shades of white and grey. It felt like living in a whole new world. It felt like Easter.
The long fast of lent is a wilderness experience much like winter. Then all of a sudden it's broken with a burst of life! And you feel it with all your senses and into the core of your being. And suddenly the sidewalks are full of people enjoying the weather - unable to get enough. And this is Easter - An encounter with such an intense experience of Life that we are left overwhelmed and wanting more.
Dear Self,
This is a blog. As such, you're assuming that no one will ever read it, as is the nature of blogs. This is why you have named it "An Open Letter to Myself." You decided to add on the "Open Letter" bit incase any bored individuals happened to stumble across it. That way they won't feel like they're intruding when they read it or tell you that what you're writing is moronic. That was very thoughtful of you. It's primarily a means of exploring ideas that are probably insane and sharing any awesome you find.
Yours truly,
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