Dear Self,

This is a blog. As such, you're assuming that no one will ever read it, as is the nature of blogs. This is why you have named it "An Open Letter to Myself." You decided to add on the "Open Letter" bit incase any bored individuals happened to stumble across it. That way they won't feel like they're intruding when they read it or tell you that what you're writing is moronic. That was very thoughtful of you. It's primarily a means of exploring ideas that are probably insane and sharing any awesome you find.

Yours truly,


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why You Bike Even Though You're Convinced it's Moronic

Dear Self,

In the coming days, weeks, and months, you are going to seriously question your ability to make good choices. Shocking, I know. But the unseasonably warm weather, the potentially bitingly cold temperatures, and then the warm, melty spring weather will give you significant doubt as to your decision to travel by bike.

Don't try to tell me otherwise, I know you better than that. However much you may enjoy the outdoors and the physical exercise, you hate getting soaked by road water and you're not a fan of having your toes and fingers freeze.

So when you're doubting your choice to travel by bike, these are the reasons you started and will continue to bike.

  1. It is very good for you. Until you get hit by a car. But if that never happens, you'll be in great physical condition.

  2. You just saved a bunch of money on your car insurance by switching to biking! You've also saved on gas and vehicle maintenance!

  3. You believe it's good for the world. Sure, your switching from driving a vehicle to biking won't do the world any good on it's own. But the only person you have control over is yourself, so that's where you'll start. Although if your views on slavery ever change (Along with slavery laws), you're getting a full time pedicab driver.

  4. You don't want to support oil companies, their owners, or Middle Eastern dictators. There are people who deserve your money more. Except for Russell Hantz. He is the only oil company owner you're willing to support.

  5. There is something to the idea of getting places on your own effort. The slower pace is also fairly peaceful. Again, with the exception of getting hit by cars - that's not peaceful at all.

So keep on biking! Even though your socks are soggy, some things are more important than your comfort!

With much love,


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